Our taxi dance service includes a dedicated team of social dancers and teachers. They are known for their skill in dancing Kizomba (e.g. among the styles Urban Kizomba and Douceur) and Urban Tarraxa.  The crew is seen dancing at many Kizomba festivals and parties throughout Europe, bringing the ultimate experience to the dancefloor!

What is the Taxi service about?

  • It is a dedicated team of dancers, who aim to make sure party participants get a chance to dance
  • A team of skilled dancers that rotate and don’t discriminate
  • They help create a fun, warm and lively festival and party experience
  • Visibility is their strength, as they are easily noticeable by their LED blinking bracelets
  • They help promote the event, because of their strong presence and popularity in the dance community
  • They are individuals that have strong moral value’s and care about the development and growth of the community